Company Release – 6/22/2021

On Tuesday morning, the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) team joined other EB leaders and local officials to mark another milestone in the FMP project, which will update, upgrade and expand EB’s facilities to accommodate our growing workforce and our work for the Navy.
The team officially broke ground on Building 604 in the Groton shipyard. When complete late next year, this 70,000 square-foot facility will house EB’s Radiological Emergency Response team, locally-based Naval Reactors personnel, the Nuclear Test team and test training space, as well as the Emergency Command Center. These organizations are now located in several different facilities around our Groton site – co-location of these groups will increase efficiency and collaboration, and our new ECC will provide more modern working spaces for the multi-disciplinary team who would respond to any emergency in the shipyard.
The groundbreaking is the latest in a series of FMP milestones, all advancing EB toward its goal of updating its facilities to support our growth and the needs of the Navy. Other recent accomplishments include:
- The concrete structural deck on the South Yard Assembly Building was completed last month and steel is now going up on that site.
- At Quonset Point, the team recently completed the 78,000 square-foot Columbia frame and cylinder building, known as AFC II, ahead of schedule. Installation of APCO fixtures is well underway.
- The new heavy lift pad on the Quonset waterfront is complete, and erection of the first of two cranes is underway. This pad and cranes will enable transport of Columbia modules to the new barge for transport to Groton. Construction of the pier has commenced and that job is expected to be complete at the end of the year.
Exterior Rendering of Building 604
Interior Rendering of Building 604